Do Epoxy Floors Become Slippery When Wet? - An Expert's Perspective

Epoxy floors are designed to be slip-resistant and prevent slipping, particularly epoxy mortar and epoxy flake floors. However, if the epoxy is coated with oil or water, the surface of the floors can become slippery, leading to falls and potential injuries. Any high-gloss surface is slippery when wet, including epoxy floors. This may not be an issue in a basement or workshop, if there is not likely to be water on the ground regularly.

It is also OK for garages in Arizona and Southern California. However, in areas like New Jersey where rain and snow accumulate, snow melting from cars can fall onto the garage floor, creating a slip hazard. The main reason why epoxy flooring can become slippery is its non-porous nature. While porous floors allow liquids to flow through them more easily, non-porous floors tend to retain liquids on their surfaces. To address this issue, a special additive can be added to the topcoats of the epoxy to make the floor non-slip.

This ensures that surfaces coated with this non-slip epoxy finish do not become slippery when wet. Epoxy floors are relatively resistant to slipping, but they can become very slippery when water, mud, oils and other liquid media are poured onto the surface. Compared to most other smooth surfaces, you will find that epoxy floors are much less slippery and are also slip resistant. If you want to make sure your epoxy floor is slip-resistant, you can add a special additive to the topcoats of the epoxy. This will make the floor non-slip and prevent it from becoming slippery when wet. Rubber tiles are also an excellent option for older people who are afraid of falling due to their extreme protection factor. When installing an epoxy floor in a garage or other area that may be prone to spills or water on the ground, you should consider adding a texturizing agent or non-slip top layer.

This will help mitigate the risk of slipping on wet surfaces. Additionally, epoxy floors have a longer lifespan than many other types of flooring and are resistant to bacteria and germs. If you don't consider slip resistance until after you've laid the floor or want something a little easier on your feet, a non-slip top layer might be the best option for you. You can also add anti-slip additives such as silica sand, pumice stone, colored quartz or polymer sand to your epoxy flooring for extra protection. Epoxy floors are an excellent choice for outdoor spaces due to their durability and ability to withstand outdoor elements. They have a lifespan of up to 5 years depending on the amount and type of traffic your floor is subjected to.